Better posture, better mood! Simple steps to improve both
Working on your posture is good for your physical health but it’s important to remember how much our posture can affect our mental state as well.
Time Health reports: “‘The upright participants reported feeling more enthusiastic, excited, and strong, while the slumped participants reported feeling more fearful, hostile, nervous, quiet, still, passive, dull, sleepy, and sluggish,” [Health Psychology] study authors write. Good posture was also associated with higher self-esteem, less social fear and fewer negative emotions. That’s not all: they also had stronger pulse responses than their slumped friends.”
Want to dig deeper into related info? Check it out:
- shares “5 Stretches to Improve Your Posture” (be sure to check with your medical professional if you have any injuries or other physical concerns).
- shares “How to Improve Your Posture”
- Chances are you’ve seen Amy Cuddy’s classic “ Your body language may shape who you are” Tedtalk but if not, it’s worth the watch (link includes video & written transcript. Plus, you can click the gear symbol to watch the video at a faster speed if that interests you.)
- “Fake it until you make it.” Smiling can help, even if you don’t feel like it. Skipping can improve your energy. Even more info on “power poses.”
Next time you’re experiencing a mood that isn’t serving you (remember, even feelings we call “negative” are important to have when they serve a purpose), take a moment to notice how you’re sitting or standing. Notice how you’re breathing. Focus on your breath and posture as you name your feelings and see what happens. Feel free to share any tips or feedback in the comments below or in our Facebook group!
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— Keridwyn Deller, Hypnotherapist. Learn more about me at