“good sleep hygiene”
Yesterday, I stumbled across another article about “the benefits of sleep” without ANY mention of HOW to get better sleep or ways to find more ease in falling asleep or falling back asleep.
As someone who professionally helps people find more ease in sleeping/falling asleep, these articles drive me crazy.
Am I wrong in thinking that just about every adult out there ALREADY KNOWS the benefits of sleep by now?
It just strikes me as almost mean (and at least tone deaf) to share an article like that without any bits of advice.
Because of my work, I sometimes assume that everyone out there is aware of “good sleep hygiene” advice.
If you are curious to learn advice on “good sleep hygiene”, let me know and I’ll put a post together on just that. These can be actions you take during the day as well as ways to set up your environment to make it easier for your body and mind to welcome better sleep.
If this interests you, please post SLEEP in the comments or message me at keridwyn.com/contact